Annual Meeting Date: The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held concurrently and immediately after the Presentation event of the Summer Season to be held at the conclusion of the Summer Season Grand Final.
Location: The location of the next Annual General Meeting will be decided by the committee and all members notified a minimum of 30 days in advance.
Rules of Order: The following are the regulations for the government of the Association during the time of business and the business shall be disposed of in the following order. No motion shall be received unless submitted in writing with the names of the mover and seconder thereon, and said motion shall not be open to discussion until so stated by the presiding officer.
All motions shall be decided by a majority of votes, except where a two thirds majority governs. In the case of ties, the presiding officer shall have the deciding vote.
No member shall speak twice on the same subject without the permission of the chair, unless in explanation or the mover in reply.
A member desiring to speak or submit a motion shall rise and remain standing and respectfully address the Chair, and shall confine his remarks to the question, and shall not be interrupted unless on a point of order.
Upon a point of order being raised while a delegate is speaking or when called to order by the presiding officer, he shall at once take his seat, when the point of order shall then be stated by the member objecting. The presiding officer shall then decide without debate and the member may then proceed.
No amendment to a motion shall be in order after an amendment to an amendment.
When a motion is under a debate, no motion shall be entertained except to lay on the table or amend, and these motions shall take procedure in the order names.
An amendment which entirely changes the subject of the original motion shall not be entertained as an amendment or substituted for the motion under debate.
After the motion has been stated by the presiding officer, it becomes the property of the Association but may be withdrawn at any time previous to amendment unless objected to by a member.
There shall be no debate upon any question after it has been put to the vote by the presiding officer.
When the vote is called, it shall be taken by each delegate holding up his right hand, unless the standing vote at which the yeas and nays may be taken by ballot.
Special General meetings: Special General meetings of the Association may be called at any time by the President or on the written request of ten (10) or more financial members. Thirty days notice of all business at Special General meeting must be given to all financial members.
Quorum: A quorum of the Association shall consist of (2/3) two thirds of the membership of the Association. If, after thirty minutes of the meetings beginning, there is not a two thirds majority, the members present will act as the quorum.
Amendments to the Constitution: May be made at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting, provided that the proposed amendments have been distributed in writing to all financial members thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting. Amendments shall only be adopted by a 2/3 majority of financial members present. All amendments shall satisfy the requirements of the "Associations Incorporation Act: 1956-65" in the State of South Australia.